
Friday, April 23, 2010

The Wild Boar Has Arrived

The wild boar arrived today via FedEx - Even the delivery guy was psyched!  A big shout out to D'Artagnan, Inc. in Newark, NJ (http://www.dartagnan.com/ ) for getting this order to me so quickly and inexpensively, packed on ice in a reusable container! Now for the fun part. Because boar is considered a game animal, it's pretty tough, so the Andorran Wild Boar Stew recipe I'll be using calls for marinating the meet for 48 hours: check out the marinade ingredients:
  • salt, pepper
  • garlic
  • chopped onions
  • carrots
  • celery
  • bay leaves, cloves, oregano, thyme, nutmeg
  • cognac, as well as a splash of vinegar and a drop of oil
  • cover it all with red wine.
I will be serving on Sunday.

Lastly, my friend Mary gave me the idea to chart the countries I've covered on a map, so I dug this one out my closet from my teaching days. I've put star stickers on the 4 countries I've already cooked in: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria and Andorra...

Stay tuned~