
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall in Coffee Form

So I totally got (stole?) this idea from my friend Jess.  We were on the phone talking about fall and coffee, fall flavored coffee, and how much we love all of that.  You would probably be amazed by how often this comes up as a topic. We haven't seemed to exhaust this subject.  We clearly are not adults, but children.  Children who drink coffee.  Incidentally, Max would like to be one of those.  He loves swiping sips from my mug.  I have learned to guard my mug more carefully.  But just the other day Jess and I were talking about FAVORITE COLORS.  We were having the same conversations that preschoolers have.  I'm guessing tomorrow will bring some in-depth explorations on our favorite and least favorite animals.

Jess was talking about how she loves getting pumpkin pie flavored coffee and stirring in cream and maple syrup.  I was like oh my god, that might be one of the best things ever.  So the next morning, I added some pumpkin pie spices to the coffee grounds before brewing as usual, and then stirred in a maple syrup mixture.   It was... well... Fall, in coffee form.  Pretty much the only way I can experience Fall here.

But not longer!  This Thursday, Seth, Max and I are heading back East, and we get to do all those awesomely cheesy festive autumn things - like pumpkin patches, and hay rides, and corn mazes, and apple orchards. Jess and I can drink this coffee - together!  All while we talk about very important life subjects such as favorite colors and favorite animals.

For the spice mixture:
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground clove
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice

For the maple syrup cream:
1/2 cup half and half
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon fresh orange juice
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch kosher salt
cinnamon sticks, for serving
orange wedges, for serving

Mix all the spices together. Brew with your favorite coffee.  I used 1 teaspoon of the spice mixture with a scant 1/2 cup of coffee grounds in my 8 cup french press.

Whisk half and half, maple syrup, orange juice, vanilla extract, and salt in a bowl (or shake in a sealed jar).  Pour desired amount into the spiced coffee, serve with cinnamon sticks and orange wedges.